
 "Do you wake up with this joy?" Even before coffee?"
- His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Joy is a tricky thing for us. Many of us confuse it with happiness. There is a subtle difference in my mind. Joy seems more inner. It doesn't rely on external things. A shiny new car makes us happy. A party makes us happy. For some, the act of making money makes them happy. 

Joy appears to be more organic. Experiences bring us joy. You don't need to buy anything to feel joy. A hug, a giggle, or simply remembering something wonderful brings that joy. 

You can have joy and not be happy. No matter how bad things get, you can still feel joy. Bill collectors may hound you. The roof may leak. Your business may fail/ Through it though, you still have the ability to feel joy. 

I wake up everyday thinking something may go wrong, I also waking up thinking, "Ok, fresh start, I feel good. I'm awake, I'm alive." THEN I go make the coffee. That feeling of being alive is my joy coming through. 

I have a friend who likes to tell people, when asked how he's doing, that he feels good that he woke up on the right side of the grass! I have always loved that response. 

When the bad things come, by all means acknowledge them. Just make sure you understand there is still some good going on, especially inside you.


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