The Quirky Kids

 Years ago a professor I had described me as "quirky." At the time I was insulted, today I see it as a badge of honor. I am quirky. I'm fun, serious, sarcastic, amusing and FABULOUS. I teach quirky kids. Students on the spectrum are really just that, on a spectrum. Everyday they say/do something funny, unexpected, and unusual. They are quirky like their teacher, and I love them. I love all the kids I teach. 

Quirky kids teach you something new everyday, or at least remind you life lesson you probably need to re-learn. At the beginning of the school year, I tell all my students the first rule is it is ok to make mistakes. I can't tell you the number of times that rule has been told to me  by my students when I make a mistake in class. Sorry, I am not the best math teacher in the world, and when I make a mistake on the board, I stop, I let the kids I know I made an error, and I'm going to correct it, and do a teaching do-over. It is inevitable that one of them will say, "That's ok Mr. Colpaert, you are allowed to make mistakes." 

There is always the kid who says the unexpected. One boy listed all his friends in class to me. He listed everyone, except for one student. I said, "What about _____?" The response? "Mr. Colpaert, not them, they're pompous." It's those moments when I have to walk away to laugh.

Quirky kids are the best, so while this professor, clearly saw the description of me as negative, I wear it with pride. Better to be quirky, than to be a judgmental ass. ;-)


  1. Charlie, you make this world a more tolerable place.


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