My Goodbye to My First Kids

 This week is bittersweet for me. Three years ago I started teaching in my school, and the 6th graders who came that year were my first group to have all three years. On Friday they graduate to high school, so I would like to dedicate this post to them. (Note: No names given)

Dear A, B, C, D, E and F,

Three years ago I met five of you. Our first brief meetings was at the Ice Cream Social before the school year. Then on the first day, we all met officially in the auditorium, and I walked you to the PLC classroom. I still remember standing in the auditorium, prior to the start of the day, and B shouted a whisper at me, "Hi Mr. Colpaert!" and waved a little wave. That kicked off a period of my life I will always treasure. 

In the last three years: I have taught you(at least I made a good effort), I counseled you. I wiped tears away, I got stern when I had to("Does this face look happy?"), I hugged you when you needed a hug, I mediated fights, I explained how cruel the world can be when they call you names or bully you, I always took time from class to have a one to one talk if you needed it(and sometimes when I thought you needed it), I've chased you around the school when you bolted from class, and tried to impart some wisdom("Not another Mr. Colpaert story.)

Our adventures have included going to zoos, performing with a theatre troupe, zip lines and trampolines, and heading to our nation's capital. We have joked around, and every now and then, when the situation called for it, I played the dramatic chipmunk.

I've been the butt of age jokes, the victim of a rubber snake on my shoulder, listened to countless dad jokes, and the oddest knock knock jokes I have ever heard. 

I have stayed after school with you when you needed to do homework. I have served ice cream on special days. 

Mostly, I have said the following for the last three years:

You are smart. You are creative. You are kind.You have generous souls. You have the ability to go far in life. I also told you I loved you. Yes, I am that teacher, who tells the kids they are loved. In a world becoming more polarized and mean, kids near to hear they are loved and valued. I say it un-apologetically, and I said to all of you. 

Last year, F arrived on the scene, and this sweet kid brought even more joy into our little group. It was as if they came on the first day three years ago. A welcome addition to our little group, and another one to love.

You are about to go to high school. After that, you may go to college, or get a job. No matter what you do, please know I have confidence in you, and if you need advice, a shoulder, or just a talk, I am here. You are all special to me.

One of you asked me when do you get to call me by my first name. For three years I told you all you need to know is my first name is "Mr." but down the road, on whatever social platform replaces Facebook, I hope you look me up, and know at that time, you can address me by my first name. Although, if you are like me, as I have been with past teachers, you may still refer to me as "Mr." It's ok. 

As you shake hands with your teachers this week, I will be the weepy one. Shake my hand, hug me, or just nod as you go by. Just know, I love you all, and cherish you with my heart. Go out into the world, and go do something amazing.


Mr. Colpaert


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