Do I Have Value?

 The little train on the left is cute, charming, looks like it's been through some things and not very functional. While I rarely admit, I am a senior citizen, I feel people my age and older can relate to this train. It looks nice, but can it really do anything? Does it have value? 

As I write this, there is a debate about the age of President Biden, and is he too old to serve another term. I have watched this debated with keen interest, because one day, this will be me. There will come a time when there are questions about my fitness, my ability to value. 

I am outraged at the tactic taken by those who want to go after a man because of his age. I have no doubt being president is a stressful and taxing job. President Biden seems fit to me. The main man attacking him is not much younger, and has a lot more questions around his abilities, but by all means let the ageist attacks go on. 
What value do we, over 60somethings have? We bring experience. We have lived a life. While we are not always the most hip, or have our finger on the pulse of the latest craze, we have a solid understanding of human nature. Most of us have learned difficult lessons in our lives, which has given us empathy, understanding, compassion, and experience. 

I know one thing about the kind of elderly man I will be; I'll be ready to argue to the death what I can and can't do. I may not by a physical as I used to be, but that doesn't mean I'm fragile. It doesn't mean I want to be treated like a child. I am a man with dignity and pride, and that comes along with me as I age. I may be that feisty old man at some point...a.k.a. pain in the ass. 

Senior citizens may want to retire, but that doesn't mean we don't want to participate in life. We want to share what we know. We want to be vital and participating. We want to live!

As I mentioned before, I realize the clock is ticking on my teaching career. I'll teach in a classroom as long as I can. After that, I will find a way to stay in education, or may move on to a new career. I want to be vital and participating in life as long as I am able. 

Don't get me wrong. I want all my AARP perks. I want every advantage being a senior there is. I earned it damnit!!! Just don't tell me I have no value, nor do I want to be put in box. Nobody puts Charlie in a box!


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