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Too Old?

Age is a very big issue these days as we head into the presidential campaign. Many people have "concerns" about Joe Biden being 81 years old, and may be too old for the job. Donald Trump is four years younger, and age has not been brought up when it comes to him.  Dick Van Dyke just won an Emmy Award at age 98. Rita Moreno is acting in films and television in her 90's. Mel Brooks, comedic genius, is in his 90's. I am 61. I became a teacher at 59. One of my concerns was I would be too old for the job. I worried I couldn't relate to the kids. Maybe I wasn't relevant anymore. I frequently joke that I am so old school, I went to a one room schoolhouse on the prairie and pa called me half-pint.  I also talk about my career as having a time limit. I tell other teachers I don't have a lot of time to waste, because the clock is ticking on my career. I wondered about my longevity as I went on a class trip to Washington, D.C. recently. I have knees that need to be r

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